Medical Coverage - Medina County Job and Family Services

Medical Coverage

Medical Support Overview

When a child support order is established, it is determined if one, both or neither party is responsible for providing medical coverage.  Any time the system is updated with a new employer, or a change has been made that would warrant it, the system will generate a National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) to the party who is ordered to provide medical coverage (MI obligor) employer. The employer in turn must respond in an acceptable time frame advising the CSEA whether the MI obligor is able or unable to carry medical coverage as ordered.

I don’t agree with what’s in my Divorce/Dissolution Order
Any divorce actions, including but not limited to child support, medical support, custody, visitation, property settlements, must be handled/filed in court.

Am I notified when the NMSN is sent to my Employer?
Yes, a National Medical Support Enforcement Activity Notice is mailed to you the same day the NMSN is sent to your employer.  It lets you know that the NMSN has been sent to your employer and provides you an opportunity to request a hearing (if objected to in a timely manner) or provide us with more information (third party coverage information, etc.).

How do you know if it’s Affordable?
Your employer can determine this easily, if your employer cannot determine this, they can contact the CSEA for more information.  Add the monthly child support obligation plus the monthly insurance premium, if it’s higher than the percentage they are allowed to withhold under the Consumer Credit Protection Act then they shouldn’t enroll your child(ren) in the medical insurance plan.

My Spouse is Providing Coverage
Provide us with a copy of the front and back of the medical insurance card as well as the insurance effective date for the child(ren) to be covered.  We may request further information/verification. We also require the name, date of birth and social security number of the alternate insurance provider.

I am Carrying other Private Coverage, not through my Employer
Provide us with a copy of the front and back of the medical insurance card as well as the insurance effective date for the child(ren) to be covered.  We may request further information/verification.

My Children have Medicaid Coverage already
This is not private insurance coverage; this is public coverage.  You are ordered to provide PRIVATE health care coverage for your child(ren).  Medicaid (CareSource, Buckeye Community Health, Molina Healthcare Ohio, Paramount Advantage, etc.) is not private coverage.

Collection of Unreimbursed Medical Bills
The CSEA does not help with the collection of unreimbursed medical.  This must be handled by Medina County Domestic Relations Court.  You have the right to file a motion in court to collect these fees and can be found at Medina County Domestic Relations Court.  You can also find the Legal Resource Center at the same site.

Medical Insurance Cards
While it is not a requirement of the CSEA to have a physical copy of the medical insurance cards and the MI obligor is not required to give them to us, we can facilitate the exchange of the cards.  We cannot, however, go any further than this. Any further action will need to be handled in court.

My Premiums have Increased, how do I get Credit for This?
The only way you can get credit for this is when a modification/adjustment review is completed on your case.  Credit is not given automatically; your support will not be adjusted just because your premiums have increased or decreased.

Frequently Asked Questions

I already have coverage through Medicaid, I don’t want this coverage

  • If the other party is ordered to provide private medical coverage for your child(ren), the private coverage will be maintained. You can keep your Medicaid benefits through the state. The private coverage is to be used as the main insurance provider and Medicaid as secondary coverage.
  • If the custodial parent is ordered to provide private medical coverage and you have Medicaid through the state, we can determine if the private coverage is affordable. If the coverage is deemed unaffordable we will issue a termination of NMSN to your employer.

I have provided third-party coverage information, why do you keep sending NMSNs to my new employers?
If you are ordered to provide private medical coverage for your child(ren), when our system updates with a new employer for you, a wage garnishment and a NMSN notice will be sent to your employer.  We see this often with people who are employed by a union (painters, engineering, etc.) where medical coverage doesn’t change but employers do change.

If third-party coverage is already provided (through a spouse or another insurance company), please contact the CSEA when you acquire new employment not only to keep us advised of your employment status but also to avoid a NMSN going out to your new employer.

No parties are ordered to provide medical, but I have coverage and want credit for it
You can request an adjustment review (modification) of your child support at any time for this reason through the CSEA.  The CSEA will review the medical support obligation as well as the child support obligation. You can also file a motion to modify the carrier of medical coverage in court.

I’m providing coverage even though the other party is ordered to carry it.
You can request an adjustment review (modification) of your child support at any time for this reason through the CSEA.  The CSEA will review the medical support obligation as well as the child support obligation. You can also file a motion to modify the ordered carrier of medical coverage in court. The court can modify the ordered medical insurance carrier without reviewing the entire order.

Why am I being charged cash medical if I’m providing coverage?
The CSEA is not always aware of employment/medical coverage changes. If third-party coverage is being provided (through a spouse or another insurance company), please contact the CSEA.

You can call, fax, mail, email or send a message through the web portal at Web Portal advising of changes in medical coverage and employment.

My medical card only has my name on it, is that ok?
Yes, that’s ok.  Most insurance cards only have the name of the policyholder on them.

Medina County
Job and Family Services
232 Northland Drive
Medina, OH 44256
Office: (330) 722-9300
Toll Free: (800) 783-5070 
Fax: (330) 722-3383

Phone: (330) 722-9398
Toll-Free: (800) 706-2732
Fax: (330) 722-9238
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