A Kinship Care Story in Medina County - Medina County Job and Family Services

A Kinship Care Story in Medina County

April 26, 2023

Kathy was living alone in 2022 when her daughter and grandchildren needed her to step in.

And boy did she come through. 

Kathy went from living by herself to caring for five grandchildren, ages 11, 10, 8, 3 and 2. 

“In February, my daughter and grandchildren needed me in a desperate situation,” says Kathy. “I took in all five of her children. I appreciate the opportunity to help any way I can – even if that means literally turning my life upside down, but in a good way.”

But Kathy wasn’t alone. Many in her family supported her decision, and Medina County Job and Family Services was also there every step of the way.

“I received an abundance of support through the agency to help provide for the needs of all the children,” reports Kathy. “They had everything I needed for the children, clothing, hygiene necessities, diapers, wipes, food, and medical care. They are an invaluable resource when trying to make things possible for the kids as they need it or want to be comfortable.”

The grandmother has also had to help the children beyond physical needs.

“I’ve seen a lot of different emotions from all five of the children,” says Kathy. “Each one has different issues that I need to address at any given time. So it’s been a rough road.” 

Kathy helps the grandchildren face these kinds of issues by  talking to them about what might happen, asking them how they’re feeling about being in her care, and trying to keep them focused on school and their health. The agency also holds a support group for kinship and foster parents, which helped equip Kathy with tools to facilitate discussions with her grandchildren and opened more doors of support for her and the children both.

When asked what she would say to someone considering becoming a kinship caregiver, the kinship care provider didn’t hesitate.

“I would tell them that if they have enough love in their hearts for their kin, that in all honesty, is enough and they should try and help. 

If you’re interested in providing kinship care or would like more information about fostering, visit Medina County Job and Family Services’ website.

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Medina, OH 44256
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