Why Foster - Medina County Job and Family Services

Why Foster

Layne Hedden May 03, 2022

We hear many reasons why people choose to become foster parents. Some want to expand their family. Some want to give back to their community. Some grew up in homes that provided foster care. Some actually grew up in the foster care system. Some simply want to help kids who need a home.

Let me tell you how I became a foster parent. We have 3 biological children, all boys, who were 7, 9, and 11 years old at the time. I'll admit that we were living our lives in blissful ignorance of the hurting families in our own county, and the larger foster care world that we knew little about. Our happy lives were interrupted when we learned about a little girl in our own community who was potentially in need of an adoptive home. Although the idea of foster care or adoption had never really crossed my mind, I could not stop thinking about this little girl. After lots of discussion, we decided to take the next step and see what happened. The situation with that little girl did not go the direction we expected, but we decided to continue on our journey to become licensed foster parents. And here we are almost 6 years later.

When you hear those personal stories of children who need love, care, healing, and a home, it's hard to ignore them. It's hard to turn away. It's hard to go back to your life the way it was and pretend you don't know. A vague need becomes a real child.

We can't share the stories of our kids who come into foster care and need homes. But know that each and every one of them has a story. They are real children who, through no fault of their own, find themselves removed from all that is comfortable and familiar. We continue to need homes for these vulnerable youth, and it is our desire to provide Medina County homes for Medina County children. Would you like to learn more about how you can be a part of that? Click here for more info. Fill out an Inquiry Form to talk with someone.

Tell us why you'd like to be a foster parent; or why you decided to become a foster parent.

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Job and Family Services
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Medina, OH 44256
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Fax: (330) 722-3383

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Email: medina_child_support_01@jfs.ohio.gov
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